Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Doodle from August:
Attempt at a self portrait a while ago (I promise I'm not this mean looking in real life!):

Hmm. Examining the statistics for this page, very few people actually read this. So, thank you for visiting, you are one of a small, elite group!! :)


Unknown said...

I always use RSS & Google Reader to read your stuff. Maybe I'm not being counted?

Tara said...

Ooh, you've made elite peoples of me!

Brett W. Thompson said...

Aww, thanks so much for your comments, guys, I really appreciate it a lot :) :)

And I think you're right, Mikey and %, RSS readers must not get counted because I'm using Google Analytics which depends on JavaScript being loaded!

Thanks again for the comments :)

Queen of the Mood Swing Set said...

Good to know I'm one of the Elite :-), love the self portrait!

Queen of the Mood Swing Set said...

oh yeah, this is elizabeth (macon law person) if you wondered!